Media Skeptic


Media Skeptic is a series of educational videos that expose deceptive practices used by the media. Each episode focuses on a different propaganda technique that is used by mainstream media outlets to distort information in support of a false narrative. By exposing the different forms of propaganda we hope to raise public awareness of these deceptive practices so that people learn to analyze media with a healthy sense of skepticism.

Media Skeptic is filmed in the Multikulti Video Studio.

Episode 1 The Omitted Interview Effect
This video explores a very common tactic which can be used for good or for bad. But is used to persuade people to arrive to a predetermined opinion about a group or a subject. When ever you hear someone say President Obama, Sarah Palin or the Occupy supporters are dumb. Most likely they are basing their opinion off of interview style videos. These videos are very unreliable because it is very hard to determine whether or not this tactic was used. Therefore almost all of these types of videos should be rejected regardless of the source.

Episode 2: The Deception of Tight Framing
This Episode shows how tight camera shots have been used to decieve the public into accepting a false story. Learn how it has been used for good purpose and watch examples of how it has been used to decieve the public in major mainstream news stories.

Episode 3 Fraudulent Interview Editing
This episode shows how interviews we see from the media can have a totally different meaning due to deceptive editing techniques. From a news reporter interviewing someone on the scene of an incident to one on one extended interviews. The message of the person being interviewed can be altered to support the desired message of the editor and not the intended message of the person being interviewed. Watch this deceptive technique applied on a 4 year old and a President of another country.


Founded in 2010, Incorporated in 2011 multikulti | Check out Chicago Activism