Media Protest & MK/IM Covers IL National Dumpsite of Nuclear Waste

Media Protest & MK/IM Covers IL National Dumpsite of Nuclear Waste

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission held a public hearing in Oakbrook last Tuesday on the question to make Illinois the national dump site for all nuclear waste produced by the nation. While all major media was asked to cover this hearing, only multikulti’s/Indiamedia’s Mike Kalas made the call to document the full hearing. This issue is not being addressed by the media and this will be one of many issues  spoken at the media demonstration to take place  Saturday November 16th.

Here is the full hearing:

Here is the facebook event for tomorrow’s action:


The revolution won’t be televised so turn off your TV’s we’re taking it to the streets!

A nationwide March Against Mainstream Media is being called for November 16th in cities all across the country.

We are planning a rally in Chicago to raise awareness of the privatization, corporatization, and monopolization of the mainstream media and the corruption of our fifth estate. The failure of the corporate networks to adequately cover critical social issues has allowed for the rampant corruption of our political and economic system to go unquestioned and unchallenged.

On November 16th we are going to take action and hold these corporations accountable for aiding and abetting in the subversion of our democracy.

Join us in the streets!

This rally is being held in solidarity with media activists across the country. For more information check out the website for the March Against Mainstream Media…


At 11:30 am we will all meet up at the NBC News station…

NBC network
454 N. Columbus Dr.
Chicago, IL 60611

FOX News Station
205 N. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60601

ABC News Station
190 N State St
Chicago, IL 60601

CBS News Station
22 W. Washington St.
Chicago, IL 60602

Chicago Tribune
50 West Washington St.
Chicago, IL 60602

1. Attend the event!
2. Invite all your friends
3. Post a link to the event on your Facebook page

1. Educate yourself on the issue of media literacy
2. Speak out about media literacy and help raise awareness
3. Bring a significant news story that demands media attention (and/or) bring a news report that has misrepresented the facts and misinformed the public
4. Volunteer to work on helping to build a long term media accountability campaign in Chicago
5. Be active as a citizen journalist and get involved with independent media organizations

-Make sure to dress warm, bring a jacket, hat, gloves, and layer up…it might be a cold day
-Wear comfortable shoes because we will be marching
-Make a creative sign, poster, banner to display

This rally is being organized as a peaceful action and a family friendly event. We look forward to working collaboratively with other kind and caring people to address these problems in a positive and constructive way.

Founded in 2010, Incorporated in 2011 multikulti | Check out Chicago Activism